Nick Fabrizio PhD, FACMPE, FACHE, is a principal consultant with the MGMA Health Care Consulting Group and serves on the faculty at Cornell University’s Sloan Program in Health Administration, where he has also served as the executive in residence. His primary expertise is in physician practice management and managing complex physician-hospital relationships.
Executive Healthcare LeadershipCornell Certificate Program
Overview and Courses
In the innovative and dynamic industry that is healthcare, executive leaders of the field must equip themselves with the ability to guide their organizations and teams through times of change. They must be able to lead their organizations through the physical change in addition to successfully interacting with multiple affiliated entities. An executive leader’s credibility, authority, and ability to keep a team focused and motivated are under constant scrutiny. And rightfully so—it’s the leader’s job to communicate strategy, negotiate skillfully, influence team behaviors, and deliver results. Simultaneously, leaders in healthcare must be able to master the quantitative and qualitative approach to innovation in the healthcare setting, focusing on the levers of strategy, measurement, leadership, and culture.
The Executive Healthcare Leadership Certificate provides you with critical skills to lead your organization to success through a series of six core courses and two electives that give you the flexibility to customize the program to your goals. As a result of completing this certificate, you’ll have practiced concrete strategies to increase your effectiveness in leading your organization.
Healthcare delivery continues to be in a state of constant change and as a result, today's healthcare leaders must transform the way their organizations respond to and lead change initiatives. In this course, professionals will “reset” their thinking around how best to understand, measure, implement, and lead successful change initiatives.
Leaders will assess their current culture, map out the ideal future state, create a business strategy consistent with the organization's vision and values, and ultimately implement the strategies or business processes needed to affect and support the organizational culture they want.
Healthcare organizations and the physicians who run them often approach the task of management in much the same way as they approach a patient: they quickly identify symptoms or problems, make a diagnosis or analysis, and develop a treatment plan or solution. While this technique may work when making decisions about day-to-day operations, it's inadequate for evaluating the overall health of an organization and for making long-term survival plans. Effective strategic planning requires healthcare managers to shift their perspective from being a service organization to being a business.
This course teaches you several models to help you lay the foundations of a strategic plan based on the existing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing your organization. Ultimately, you will learn how to collect the right data to help you evaluate whether to invest in, discontinue, or develop certain products and services to ensure any strategic plan you devize will be profitable and in alignment with your organization's mission and vision.
Many medical groups develop strategic plans that are never implemented because the plans did not articulate how to measure progress, did not assign resources to do the work, and did not consider how to report on the goals.
This course asks you to apply organizational information you've gathered using analysis tools such as SWOT, BCG, and Porter's Five Forces to develop a strategic plan that includes specific details about who, what, when, where, and how to work on each of the agreed-upon strategic goals.
Ultimately, this course will equip you with the tools to be able to develop a comprehensive strategic plan that involves the right stakeholders and that aligns with your organization's core mission and values.
The American healthcare system is continuously in flux and requires adaptability from those working in the industry. As a leader, it's also imperative that you make your organizations efficient and safe; improving quality is job number one. This unique balance of priorities requires healthcare leaders to ensure that everyone across the organization is in support of and working towards achieving new initiatives that will secure organization's competitiveness into the future.
In this course, you will learn how to prepare your organization for change at the individual, departmental, and organizational level by focusing on communication and the development of a change management plan.
The ability to make effective and timely decisions is an essential skill for successful executives. Mastery of this skill influences all aspects of day-to-day operations as well as strategic planning. In this course, developed by Professor Robert Bloomfield, Ph.D. of Cornell University's Johnson Graduate School of Management, you will hone your decision-making skills by following a methodology based on tested actions and sound organizational approaches. You will leave this course better equipped to confidently tackle any decision large or small, and you'll do so in a way that creates the optimal conditions for success.
Choosing the Right Performance Measures for Your Organization introduces managers to the basics of measuring and reporting on the performance of your organization, whether it's a for-profit business, not-for profit, or governmental organization. You will learn about the different types of reporting systems these organizations use, with a focus on performance reporting systems: the systems that lay out an organization's strategy and report on how well that strategy is being executed. You will also take a detailed look at one of the most important tools for performance reporting, the Balanced Scorecard. The ultimate goal for this course is for you to be able to implement the Balanced Scorecard in your own organization.
Nearly every major regional healthcare facility in the United States is in the midst of or planning a capital improvement project. How can you be sure that such projects in your organization incorporate best practices and achieve their intended goals? The answer is to look at the evidence: what are the approaches that other healthcare facilities undertaking similar projects have used that have worked?
This course explores the use of Evidence-Based Design (EBD) to guide the planning, design and management of healthcare facilities and systems. After this course you will be a more intelligent and discerning consumers of research evidence and related information, and be more a productive participant in the planning and design process. You'll learn the key steps in the planning and design process with a focus on how the facility affects quality of care and the experience of patients and care-giving staff. Case studies illustrate design approaches that lend themselves to patient-centered care and that lead to greater operational efficiency and effectiveness. A course project provides students with the opportunity to apply what they're learning to the creation of an outline of a facility plan for their own organization.
The process of designing a healthcare facility has a special mission: to have a positive impact on its many users—including patients, families, visitors, nurses, physicians, and other clinical and non-clinical staff—while simultaneously fostering cost-effective operations. To achieve the best outcomes, it is important to involve a variety of stakeholders. An informed group can help to ensure a more efficient working process with architects and engineers, and can contribute to stronger, more broadly-based and more cost-effective decisions.
This course introduces the must-know concepts and related terminology of healthcare facility planning. The course touches on those aspects of capital improvement projects that a manager or stakeholder might encounter in a healthcare setting, including working from a budget to estimate potential sizing of facilities, estimating costs, and recognizing key features of architectural and engineering drawings. At the conclusion of the course, you will be a more intelligent consumer of information and a more effective participant in the healthcare facility planning and design process.
One of the challenges organizations face today is how to innovate. Innovation has become the modus operandi of organizational life. Every organization needs to innovate quickly to stay competitive. But what does “innovation” really mean?
In simple terms, innovation is the practical application of creative ideas to drive organizational results; innovation results in something useful that benefits the organization. In this course, Cornell University's Professor Samuel Bacharach, Ph.D., clears away common misconceptions about the mystery surrounding this popular buzzword and identifies how individuals can harness creative energy to drive innovative results. Students will identify strategies for encouraging divergent thinking and examine methods of fostering a culture of innovation.Being able to negotiate is a practical, everyday skill that is critical for anyone working within an organization. The good news is it's a skill you can practice and master. Negotiation skills are ones you can use in any context and, once you master the behaviors of effective negotiation, you will use all the time. In this course, developed by Cornell University's Professor Samuel Bacharach, Ph.D., you will develop an awareness that every conversation is a negotiation, and you will identify the critical components of effective negotiation.
All leadership is change leadership. Good leadership isn't about stagnation; it's about moving ahead. In this course, Cornell University's Professor Samuel Bacharach, Ph.D., explores the fundamental, practical skills that effective leaders have mastered.
Effective change leaders do three things; they anticipate where things are moving, they facilitate the implementation of change, and they sustain momentum by taking charge and moving things ahead. Great change leaders know how to be both proactive and reactive, as Professor Bacharach explains. Students in this course will examine their own leadership styles and practice skills that will help them translate ideas into organizational results, find ways to overcome organizational inertia, and examine strategies for overcoming individual resistance to change.
Leaders at every level need to be able to execute on their ideas. In virtually every case, this means that leaders need to be able to persuade others to join in this execution. In order to do so, understanding how to create and utilize power in an organization is critical.
In this course, developed by Professor Glen Dowell, Ph.D., of Cornell University's Johnson Graduate School of Management, students will focus on their personal relationship with power as well as how power works in their organization and social network.
Project Management Institute (PMI®) Continuing Certification: Participants who successfully complete this course will receive 6 Professional Development Units (PDUs) from PMI®. Please contact PMI ® for details about professional project management certification or recertification.
Coaching is about building relationships—and it's essential in order for your organization to move forward together to achieve better results. Being an effective coach requires skills that can be practiced and mastered, including listening, building credibility and trust, and showing empathy. In this course, Cornell University's Dr. Samuel Bacharach, will help you distinguish between coaching and traditional supervision. You will identify the five functions of coaching and the rules for having coaching conversations. Finally, you will examine some of the classic coaching mistakes that people often make and identify how you can avoid repeating those mistakes yourself.
How It Works
Course Length
Program duration
Class Size
Course Length
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Faculty Authors
Since coming to the Johnson Graduate School of Management in 1991, Prof. Robert Bloomfield has used laboratory experiments to study financial markets and investor behavior, and has also published in all major business disciplines, including finance, accounting, marketing, organization behavior, and operations research. Prof. Bloomfield served as director of the Financial Accounting Standards Research Initiative (FASRI), an activity of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, and is currently an editor of an a special issue of Journal of Accounting Research dedicated to Registered Reports of Empirical Research. Prof. Bloomfield has recently taken on editorship of Journal of Financial Reporting, which is pioneering an innovative editorial processes intended to broaden the range of research methods used in Accounting, improving the quality of research execution, and encouraging honest reporting of findings.
As the Johnson School’s Faculty Director of eLearning, Prof. Bloomfield oversees the development of online courses and helps faculty make best use of technology in traditional courses. He is the author of the award-winning eBook, What Counts and What Gets Counted, which can be downloaded for free online, and has used the book as the basis for online courses offered through eCornell, as well as award-winning teaching in Johnson’s Executive MBA programs.
Academic Expertise
My area of expertise is organizational ecology; that is, I study the way in which the planning, design, and management of complex facilities such as hospitals and large corporations and R&D units affect how individuals, teams, and organizations function.
Current Professional Activities
Professor Becker is a founding editor of the Journal of Corporate Real Estate and the Journal of Facilities Management, and is on the Advisory Board of the Health Environments Research and Design Journal and the California Healthcare Foundation. He is the Co-Chair of the Research Coaliton of the Center for Health Design, Professor Becker is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, and a member of the International Facility Management Association.
Current Research Activities
Professor Becker’s research focuses on health and design. Specifically, he is involved with studies examining the influence of nursing unit design on communication and interaction patterns among multi-disciplinary clinical teams; and the effects of such communication on informal learning, job stress and quality of care.
PhD 1972 – University of California, Davis
Social and Environmental Psychology
BA 1968 – University of California, Davis
Brooke Hollis serves on the leadership team of the Sloan Program and the Institute for Healthy Futures working on alumni and industry external relations. He also mentors students and serves as a faculty member. Beyond his appointment at Sloan, his ongoing professional consulting activities straddle the area of mergers & acquisitions and management consulting primarily for health and professional services firms. In addition to leadership roles in a number of regional, national and international professional organizations, Brooke is a past-president of the Sloan Alumni Association, and has been on the advisory boards of the College of Human Ecology and the Cornell Club of Greater Hartford. He is a current Board member of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA).
Mr. Hollis’ other background includes over three decades working in both the public and private sector, serving in senior management positions in a number of organizations in the health and financial advisory/consulting fields. While serving as president of a national professional association, he was also involved in advocacy work with the federal government on policy and financial issues.
Prior work includes almost a decade as an owner and president of a private entrepreneurial firm that developed and managed specialty outpatient clinics, developed and operated a Durable Medical Equipment (DME) company and provided contract staffing programs for hospitals in three states. During his time with the firm he helped lead a significant growth in revenues and profitability, and he subsequently orchestrated a successful exit strategy when his partners had financial difficulties. His subsequent work as a partner in mergers & acquisitions advisory firms has involved consulting and transaction work in 20 states and Canada with private equity funds and public or privately held companies, both domestic and international.
Samuel Bacharach is the McKelvey-Grant Professor of Labor Management and the Director of the Smithers Institute. He received his BS in economics from NYU. His MS and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin.
Upon joining the Cornell faculty in 1974, he spent most of his time working on negotiation and organizational politics, publishing numerous articles and two volumes (Power and Politics in Organizations and Bargaining: Power, Tactics, and Outcome, both with Edward J. Lawler). In the 1980s he continued working on negotiation, but shifted emphasis to the study of complex organizations, with the empirical referent being schools. Besides his academic articles, he published a number of books on school management and leadership, such as Tangled Hierarchies (with Joseph Shedd) and Education Reform: Making Sense of It All.
Professor Glen Dowell is an associate professor of management and organizations at the Johnson Graduate School of Management. He researches in the area of corporate sustainability, with a focus on firm environmental performance. Recent projects have investigated the effect of local demographic factors on changes in pollution levels, the role of corporate merger and acquisition in facilitating changes in facility environmental performance, and the relative influence of financial return and disruption on commercial adoption of energy savings initiatives.
Professor Dowell’s research has been published in Management Science, Organization Studies, Advances in Strategic Management, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of Business Ethics, and Administrative Science Quarterly. He is Senior Editor at Organization Science, Co-editor of Strategic Organization, is on the editorial boards of Strategic Management Journal, and Administrative Science Quarterly, and represents Cornell on the board of the Alliance for Research in Corporate Sustainability (ARCS). He is also the Division Chair for the Organizations and Natural Environment Division of the Academy of Management.
Professor Dowell teaches Sustainable Global Enterprise and Critical and Strategic Thinking. He is a faculty affiliate for the Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise and is a faculty fellow at the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future.
Dr. Kate Walsh was named the seventh dean and E.M. Statler Professor of the School of Hotel Administration on June 16, 2017. She served as interim dean and E.M. Statler Professor for one year beginning July 1, 2016, the first day of operations for the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business. A professor of management, she has been a member of the school’s faculty since 2000. Dean Walsh received her PhD from the Carroll School of Management at Boston College and her MPS degree from Cornell’s School of Hotel Administration. She holds a Bachelor of Science in accounting from Fairfield University.
Dean Walsh came to Cornell with extensive industry experience, including posts as director of training and development for Nikko Hotels International, corporate training manager for the former Bristol Hotels, and senior auditor for Loews Corporation. She is also a former New York State Certified Public Accountant.
Since the beginning of her administration, Dean Walsh has focused on revamping the Hotel School’s alumni outreach; working with the faculty to undertake a comprehensive review of the graduate and undergraduate curriculums; and reengaging with the hospitality industry, most notably through the creation of an industry immersion initiative for faculty. Already, members of the faculty have traveled to Washington, D.C., New York City, and Los Angeles to learn from corporate executives and other experts in the hotel, restaurant, real estate finance, and technology sectors.
In addition to these ongoing efforts, Dean Walsh is working in collaboration with her colleagues on the Cornell SC Johnson leadership team on growth initiatives to strengthen the school and take advantage of opportunities afforded by the establishment of the college, including the potential to develop programming in New York.
Nick Fabrizio PhD, FACMPE, FACHE, is a principal consultant with the MGMA Health Care Consulting Group and serves on the faculty at Cornell University’s Sloan Program in Health Administration, where he has also served as the executive in residence. His primary expertise is in physician practice management and managing complex physician-hospital relationships.
Since coming to the Johnson Graduate School of Management in 1991, Prof. Robert Bloomfield has used laboratory experiments to study financial markets and investor behavior, and has also published in all major business disciplines, including finance, accounting, marketing, organization behavior, and operations research. Prof. Bloomfield served as director of the Financial Accounting Standards Research Initiative (FASRI), an activity of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, and is currently an editor of an a special issue of Journal of Accounting Research dedicated to Registered Reports of Empirical Research. Prof. Bloomfield has recently taken on editorship of Journal of Financial Reporting, which is pioneering an innovative editorial processes intended to broaden the range of research methods used in Accounting, improving the quality of research execution, and encouraging honest reporting of findings.
As the Johnson School’s Faculty Director of eLearning, Prof. Bloomfield oversees the development of online courses and helps faculty make best use of technology in traditional courses. He is the author of the award-winning eBook, What Counts and What Gets Counted, which can be downloaded for free online, and has used the book as the basis for online courses offered through eCornell, as well as award-winning teaching in Johnson’s Executive MBA programs.
Academic Expertise
My area of expertise is organizational ecology; that is, I study the way in which the planning, design, and management of complex facilities such as hospitals and large corporations and R&D units affect how individuals, teams, and organizations function.
Current Professional Activities
Professor Becker is a founding editor of the Journal of Corporate Real Estate and the Journal of Facilities Management, and is on the Advisory Board of the Health Environments Research and Design Journal and the California Healthcare Foundation. He is the Co-Chair of the Research Coaliton of the Center for Health Design, Professor Becker is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, and a member of the International Facility Management Association.
Current Research Activities
Professor Becker’s research focuses on health and design. Specifically, he is involved with studies examining the influence of nursing unit design on communication and interaction patterns among multi-disciplinary clinical teams; and the effects of such communication on informal learning, job stress and quality of care.
PhD 1972 – University of California, Davis
Social and Environmental Psychology
BA 1968 – University of California, Davis
Brooke Hollis serves on the leadership team of the Sloan Program and the Institute for Healthy Futures working on alumni and industry external relations. He also mentors students and serves as a faculty member. Beyond his appointment at Sloan, his ongoing professional consulting activities straddle the area of mergers & acquisitions and management consulting primarily for health and professional services firms. In addition to leadership roles in a number of regional, national and international professional organizations, Brooke is a past-president of the Sloan Alumni Association, and has been on the advisory boards of the College of Human Ecology and the Cornell Club of Greater Hartford. He is a current Board member of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA).
Mr. Hollis’ other background includes over three decades working in both the public and private sector, serving in senior management positions in a number of organizations in the health and financial advisory/consulting fields. While serving as president of a national professional association, he was also involved in advocacy work with the federal government on policy and financial issues.
Prior work includes almost a decade as an owner and president of a private entrepreneurial firm that developed and managed specialty outpatient clinics, developed and operated a Durable Medical Equipment (DME) company and provided contract staffing programs for hospitals in three states. During his time with the firm he helped lead a significant growth in revenues and profitability, and he subsequently orchestrated a successful exit strategy when his partners had financial difficulties. His subsequent work as a partner in mergers & acquisitions advisory firms has involved consulting and transaction work in 20 states and Canada with private equity funds and public or privately held companies, both domestic and international.
Samuel Bacharach is the McKelvey-Grant Professor of Labor Management and the Director of the Smithers Institute. He received his BS in economics from NYU. His MS and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin.
Upon joining the Cornell faculty in 1974, he spent most of his time working on negotiation and organizational politics, publishing numerous articles and two volumes (Power and Politics in Organizations and Bargaining: Power, Tactics, and Outcome, both with Edward J. Lawler). In the 1980s he continued working on negotiation, but shifted emphasis to the study of complex organizations, with the empirical referent being schools. Besides his academic articles, he published a number of books on school management and leadership, such as Tangled Hierarchies (with Joseph Shedd) and Education Reform: Making Sense of It All.
Professor Glen Dowell is an associate professor of management and organizations at the Johnson Graduate School of Management. He researches in the area of corporate sustainability, with a focus on firm environmental performance. Recent projects have investigated the effect of local demographic factors on changes in pollution levels, the role of corporate merger and acquisition in facilitating changes in facility environmental performance, and the relative influence of financial return and disruption on commercial adoption of energy savings initiatives.
Professor Dowell’s research has been published in Management Science, Organization Studies, Advances in Strategic Management, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of Business Ethics, and Administrative Science Quarterly. He is Senior Editor at Organization Science, Co-editor of Strategic Organization, is on the editorial boards of Strategic Management Journal, and Administrative Science Quarterly, and represents Cornell on the board of the Alliance for Research in Corporate Sustainability (ARCS). He is also the Division Chair for the Organizations and Natural Environment Division of the Academy of Management.
Professor Dowell teaches Sustainable Global Enterprise and Critical and Strategic Thinking. He is a faculty affiliate for the Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise and is a faculty fellow at the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future.
Dr. Kate Walsh was named the seventh dean and E.M. Statler Professor of the School of Hotel Administration on June 16, 2017. She served as interim dean and E.M. Statler Professor for one year beginning July 1, 2016, the first day of operations for the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business. A professor of management, she has been a member of the school’s faculty since 2000. Dean Walsh received her PhD from the Carroll School of Management at Boston College and her MPS degree from Cornell’s School of Hotel Administration. She holds a Bachelor of Science in accounting from Fairfield University.
Dean Walsh came to Cornell with extensive industry experience, including posts as director of training and development for Nikko Hotels International, corporate training manager for the former Bristol Hotels, and senior auditor for Loews Corporation. She is also a former New York State Certified Public Accountant.
Since the beginning of her administration, Dean Walsh has focused on revamping the Hotel School’s alumni outreach; working with the faculty to undertake a comprehensive review of the graduate and undergraduate curriculums; and reengaging with the hospitality industry, most notably through the creation of an industry immersion initiative for faculty. Already, members of the faculty have traveled to Washington, D.C., New York City, and Los Angeles to learn from corporate executives and other experts in the hotel, restaurant, real estate finance, and technology sectors.
In addition to these ongoing efforts, Dean Walsh is working in collaboration with her colleagues on the Cornell SC Johnson leadership team on growth initiatives to strengthen the school and take advantage of opportunities afforded by the establishment of the college, including the potential to develop programming in New York.
Key Course Takeaways
- Evaluate initiatives for their applicability in reaching targets
- Involve stakeholders in defining, refining, implementing, and evaluating the strategic plan
- Recognize and compensate for psychological factors in yourself and in others that affect decision quality
- Create a strategic vision for your organization and identify areas for improvement and potential growth
- Devise employee-related practices that improve your organization and thereby enhance service outcomes to customers
- Implement healthy team behaviors and functions
- Diagnose team skill sets and develop a plan to build synergy and collaboration
- Respond decisively and consistently when faced with situations that require a decision
- Detect and address impediments to your credibility with subordinates, superiors, and others with whom you interact professionally
- Evaluate factors that undermine employee motivation and engagement in your organization
- Explore critical decisions such as when to negotiate, when not to negotiate, whether you should make the opening move in a negotiation, and how many issues you want to put on the table
Download a Brochure
Not ready to enroll but want to learn more? Download the certificate brochure to review program details.What You'll Earn
- Executive Healthcare Leadership Certificate from Cornell College of Human Ecology and Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
- 64 Professional Development Hours (6.4 CEUs)
- 45 Professional Development Units (PDUs) toward PMI recertification
Watch the Video
Who Should Enroll
- Clinicians, medical personnel and staff transitioning into administrative, management, director, or executive leadership roles
- Healthcare professionals with supervisory, management, or executive-level responsibilities
- Hospital and healthcare facility administrators
- Department directors
- VP and C-suite executives
- Hospital board members
“The delivery of the classes and the swift responses of the teaching staff were quite impressive. The format of the courses and the class discussion were equally brilliant. I am grateful for the opportunity. ”
“The EHLP certificate offered me a chance to become exposed to the terms, concepts and strategies needed to interact with and understand the theoretical orientation of healthcare leaders. The content included in the certificate are things I have used in my daily work – SWOT analysis being the most salient. I have a great appreciation for this certificate’s ability to deliver a great deal of content in a short, accessible format. I would recommend it to anyone seeking to advance their knowledge in the world of healthcare leadership. ”
“The program prepares you in a case driven, real world format for management and better understanding of topics not usually even covered in a Masters program until later, and it’s nice to be able to understand well ahead of a brick & mortar pace! ”
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Executive Healthcare Leadership
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