Donna L. Haeger is a Professor of Practice in the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University. She teaches introductory and advanced spreadsheet-modeling courses for applied decision-making. These courses leverage Microsoft Excel as a business analytics tool. Prior to teaching at Cornell, she taught courses in management theory, organizational behavior and marketing. With over twenty years in industry, her corporate experience includes work in investments, banking, and corporate finance. Dr. Haeger is the business analytics concentration coordinator and chaired the task force responsible for launching the concentration. Her research interests are at the intersection of organizational behavior and digitization. She explores technology in the workplace, leadership, teams, and management. Her contributions relate to influence and intergenerational exchanges in an effort to blend human systems. Haeger presents her research at the Academy of Management and other leadership associations. She also enjoys mentoring students interested in undergraduate research, especially when the products serve to better communities. She currently sits on the board of directors for Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Rochester which specializes in spreading financial literacy to communities.
Making Predictions and Forecasts with DataCornell Course
with Data
Cornell CourseMaking Predictions and Forecasts with Data ()
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Course Overview
In order to execute the most informed business analyses, we need the right tools for making predictions from data. Excel provides powerful predictive analytic tools that let the user forecast trends and make predictions with historical data.
In this course, you will conduct financial analyses by comparing loan scenarios using financial functions, identifying what values are needed to achieve a desired result, and quickly identifying how changes in your data will impact outcomes. You will leave this course with the ability to leverage reliable historical data to generate simulations and make predictions.
Key Course Takeaways
- Analyze financial data using Excel
- Forecast and predict data using Excel analytics
- Create variable data tables
- Understand basic analytic simulations
How It Works
Course Length
2 weeks
3-5 hours per week
100% online, instructor-led
Course Author
Professor of Practice, Cornell Dyson School
Who Should Enroll
- Anyone who manages functional or financial data to inform business decisions
- Managers and executives responsible for resource allocation and reporting
- Analysts interested in developing a business management mindset to make their analyses and data visualizations more meaningful to stakeholders
- New analysts or people interested in moving into an analyst role
- Individuals and entrepreneurs who need to visualize data or want a refresher on using a modern version of Excel
- People in office support roles, administrative and executive assistants
- People providing support at any level
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