Since coming to the Johnson Graduate School of Management in 1991, Prof. Robert Bloomfield has used laboratory experiments to study financial markets and investor behavior, and has also published in all major business disciplines, including finance, accounting, marketing, organization behavior, and operations research. Prof. Bloomfield served as director of the Financial Accounting Standards Research Initiative (FASRI), an activity of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, and is currently an editor of an a special issue of Journal of Accounting Research dedicated to Registered Reports of Empirical Research. Prof. Bloomfield has recently taken on editorship of Journal of Financial Reporting, which is pioneering an innovative editorial processes intended to broaden the range of research methods used in Accounting, improving the quality of research execution, and encouraging honest reporting of findings.
As the Johnson School’s Faculty Director of eLearning, Prof. Bloomfield oversees the development of online courses and helps faculty make best use of technology in traditional courses. He is the author of the award-winning eBook, What Counts and What Gets Counted, which can be downloaded for free online, and has used the book as the basis for online courses offered through eCornell, as well as award-winning teaching in Johnson’s Executive MBA programs.